Monday, February 3, 2014


Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline - Two fabulous books in a row.  I feel like I've won the lottery!  Orphan Train is a wonderful book consisting of two separate but parallel orphan stories.  Although the place and times differed, the experiences were amazingly similar, as are the young girls' feelings about their lives.  Molly is a young woman about to age out of the foster system, and Vivian is the older woman she meets by chance whose orphan experience was so different and yet so similar to Molly's.  The American orphan trains of the 1800s and early 1900s were probably something I learned about in school at some point - maybe a paragraph in a history book somewhere along the way? - but this author expanded that paragraph into a living history lesson.  Once you pick up Orphan Train, you will not be able to put it down until you've finished it.  I'm getting a late start today due to a late night and finishing Orphan Train, but I am determined to get some more paint on the walls of my master bedroom.  I think I'm dragging my feet because I've always found the lavender/violet color to be so pretty.  But I could never do anything with it!  Never was able to make the room come together in a cohesive way.  Which I know I can do with the gray.  And if the gray isn't pretty enough, I will re-paint.  Sooner than later, because I'm going to be getting rid of so much stuff.  No longer will my room be an overflow repository for fabric and jewelry supplies.  I've said it before but I'm really going to do this.  It might even include selling the hand painted dresser that I originally bought for the foyer.  It was pretty and handy there, and it holds so much stuff!  We'll see.  I might be over it.  But with new walls and focused decorating, maybe it will make the cut and be able to stay a little bit longer.  

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