Sunday, February 2, 2014


Last Vegas - This movie was sold to us as the geriatric Hangover, and if expecting that, one is sorely disappointed. (me).  I mean, I wanted the surprise story behind this picture, but instead I got the story that this picture really represents.  However, once over the disappointment, it is a sweet little movie, with a nice story and sub stories about each of the characters.  The premise is there, and it could have been hilarious, but instead it's respectful.  Which is fine; just know it going in.  And another thing, the ages of these actors do not match up. Douglas is 69 trying to look 50, Freeman is 76 and wears it well, Kline is 66, 10 years younger than Freeman, so that doesn't work at all and De Niro is 70 and looks older.  Supposedly, they were boyhood friends.  What?  Who had friends 10 years younger when they were 13 or 14?  Unless there was a little brother tagging along, but I don't think that was the case here.  If they couldn't get enough actors in the same age bracket, they needed to wait until they could.  Now they wasted a good title and some good talent and didn't get it right.  Next stop, Bad Grandpa.  Don't tease your audience with Hangover, then give them quiet golden years having a tame Vegas vacation. Chevy Chase, Christopher Walken, Jeffery Tambor, Craig T. Nelson, Gary Busey, Dennis Franz, Danny DeVito....why am I looking up actors born in 1943 and 44?  Of course, the rest of those guys probably turned it down because it wasn't funny or edgy, which begs the question why did De Niro do this one?  Oh, stop me, please, because as you are reading, I could go on and on about this.  Even I, who doesn't have a comedic bone in my body could make it funnier.  Maybe the Hangover writers will write one for Jeff Tambor, Danny DeVito, Gary Busey and Zach Galifiniakis and get it right.  

On the painting front, I started the master bedroom last night, and this morning, the gray looked not so great on one wall, and lovely on another.  I think I'm going to continue around the room, and if I don't like it, I'll lighten up the color at some point.  If nothing else, it's nice to have that clean feeling about the walls - they were pretty marked up from 20-plus years of furniture moving, project storage and picture switching around.  

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