Monday, February 17, 2014


Bad Grandpa - This movie is so stupid that it's funny.  It doesn't move fast, it doesn't have many particularly funny lines, and it's not that interesting.  But for some reason it works!  It just keeps plowing through making bad jokes and sight gags and there was something sweet about grandpa taking care of his 8 year old grandson.  Really dumb humor for when you're in one of those moods. 

The Paper Chase - An oldie and kind of goodie in that slow moving 1970s way of movies.  It took me many nights of falling asleep then re-watching to get through the story of Mr. Hart, a first year student at Harvard Law in 1977.  He's obsessed with his Contracts professor, the rude and aggravating Professor Kingsfield as played by John Houseman.  I'm far enough removed from those years that I wasn't too traumatized by the awful scenes of socratic nonsense.  Lindsey Wagner is the love interest with a secret.  Girls - This HBO series is as good as ever this season.  Lena Dunham just keeps bringing it, and when I begin to have doubts, they'll do a mini-interview following a show, and she'll explain the motivations and analyze the story to show how it's relevant to  friendships and relationships.  Just delightful even when it's uncomfortable.  I keep wanting Hannah to dress better; I think I want her to dress in clothes I would like, but if she does, then it won't be the show, so I hope she keeps just doing what she's doing, because the discomfort is good.  It's kind of amazing that this craziness has lasted, and that it's such a critical darling.  Looking - HBO has a new series about Gay men living in San Francisco.  I've watched a few of them, and the main character is growing on me.  You can't help but like him - he's good looking, funny, sweet and smart.  But somehow, I think love is eluding him.  If he wants it. We're still not sure.  The guy in the middle is my cutie, and there are a few guys with beards which is giving me some trouble because they all look alike, but it turns out that the beard can be a turn on for gay men.  

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