Thursday, April 8, 2010


Greenberg - Ben Stiller is getting better and better. I loved this movie about a 40 year old guy who decides to do nothing for awhile. Lucky that he can crash at his brother's wonderful house, and that it's in LA where life (as far as I'm concerned it would be) is perfect. This is about a guy at a place in his life...I think he's trying to think it out, but you can't be sure. It's also a story about a girl named Florence, and the place where she is in life. It's just a story, and if the times and a little living in the past and a little thinking about growing up is something you like to think about, then you'll like the movie. If not, then maybe skip it. Here is a trailer if you're so inclined.

A Life - Yesterday my friend Kelly called to ask if I'd like to see this John Mahoney play at one of our local theatres. The 8 person cast consists of the 4 characters in their 20s, and then again in their 60s. I love stories that play with time lines and flashbacks; this one takes place in a town near Dublin, and is about an intelligent man who is fortunate to be surrounded by people who do more than tolerate him...they love him. For all his intelligence, those people he seems to disdain are the ones who have discovered the secret to life. John Mahoney is singular in his performance, and the irish brogues affected by the players might require a stretch. If you listen carefully, this could be a wonderful experience.

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