Monday, November 16, 2009


Olympia - This is an incredible film by Leni Riefenstahl documenting the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Germany. The beautiful introduction takes us back to ancient Athens and the ancient Olympians, yet it's absolutely modern in its feeling. You'll see a morph from grecian statue to muscled athlete, you'll see the Olympic torch being run from Greece, through Europe, and into the stadium. You'll see the opening ceremony where the athletes of some of the countries extended their arms toward Hitler, others covered their hearts, and still others walked in only facing Hitler's box, but with no other acknowledgment of him. Right away, the games begin. I originally rented the movie intending to quickly watch the opening sequence which you can check out on You Tube, then find Jesse Owens' races and be done. Instead I was glued to the screen for the duration of the film. The Olympians of 1936 would now be men and women in their 90s. Beautiful, moving, documenting, honest.

Before Sunrise - This DVD has been waiting for me for weeks; I'd remembered sort of falling asleep to it when I first saw it in 1995. I knew it was good, just must have been so tired that day! It's a great little film. Julie Delpy is beautiful and so engaging. The story is age old. Travelers meet on a train, connect for a day and part. The conversation, scenery and characters come together perfectly. Love not love is always a great topic! And in this case, you can resolve all when you rent Before Sunset.

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