Thursday, May 14, 2009


On Monday I was putting away some bowls, and as I set the Green, Red and Blue nesting bowls into the largest yellow bowl, the yellow bowl just broke. Into pieces. And it was gone. I am so sad, but there's nothing to be done about it. I've had it for over 20 years. It was part of a set of 4 bowls that my mom found at a garage sale for me. I grew up with these bowls. My mom has a set, my aunt has a set, and my grandmother had a set. My mom always served our dinner salad in this bowl. Iceberg lettuce, a little onion, cucumbers, tomotoes, feta, and lots of mild greek olive oil. In those days, we weren't slaves to the extra-virgin thing. You just bought the greek olive oil in the large tin and poured it on. My yellow bowl was mostly used for cookie batter. The picture above is alas, not my bowl, but it was in just as lovely condition. I never put it in the dishwasher or used any abrasives on it. Just a gently washing with pamolive and a soft sponge. This morning it's being Freecycled to a summer art program where it will become part of some mosaic projects. It gives and gives and gives.

I use the green bowl for smaller batches of cookie batter and salad for 2. The red bowl is ideal for popcorn, salad for just me, mixing egg salad, or storing leftovers. My dad always used the red bowl to make tuna fish salad. The blue bowl is the smallest. I use it for leftovers, egg salad for one, or any little stirring job.

A few years ago I found a green bowl with a few red and blue bowls at a garage sale in a local mansion, and bought them all. 25, 50 and 75 cents per bowl. I gave my mom an extra red, and kept the rest. I use them all the time. If you come across a beautifully kept, maybe little used Yellow Bowl, or even the whole set, keep me in mind. This is what you can get me. (Peter, Steve, are you reading?)

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