Wednesday, May 27, 2009


My friend Linda has been saying "note to self" lately as part of her conversation, and it got me to thinking, and starting to do the same, but the truth is, I have to STOP writing notes to self. This is a big problem area for me, probably a "soft addiction" which I will report on as soon as I read the book about soft addictions that Michelle gave me. I wonder if going off topic is a soft addiction? Anyway, this note to self thing is out of hand....let's take a note to self tour of my home....
We'll start right here at my desk, in front of the keyboard...yes, that same desk that I so agonizingly cleared off a few months ago. All that's been on it has been this small note pile, which has now grown to this:
the latest note is the one that reminds me that it would be fun to blog about Note To Self. At least I'm doing it! So that note can now go to the recycle box under my desk. Yea!
There is a nice note to self location on my nightstand. This is where the notes with good things from HGTV and Oprah and quotes from books end up. There is also a little notebook in which to record these notes so that they don't get out of hand ala scraps of paper everywhere. Na (a greek word that means "here is") so na the nightstand:

The place where I sometimes place notes for things that I know I have to do that day but am afraid that I'll forget to do, is on the dresser in our master bathroom. This has evolved into yet another group of lists of things that I WANT to do as well as those I must do. There's a tick sheet for my contact lenses that I often forget to mark, which means sometime after I've been wearing the contacts for two weeks, I'll get headaches. After a couple of days of headaches I realize that it's time for a new pair of contacts, and, better than Excedrin, the headaches disappear! Here's that note to self location: Isn't the green stripe fabric under the glass on the dresser so pretty? Thanks to the most clever Design Coach ever, my decorator, Catherine for that idea. Click on her name for a link to her website. I don't think my notes to self are part of her decorating schemes, but you can bet she'll have a million ideas about how to tame them!
Those are all the upstairs notes. Head downstairs, (oh, I forgot to take a picture of the floor at the top of the stairs...often, there will be a note or two there), and into the kitchen which has two note to self areas. My desk: Which doesn't look like this anymore since yesterday I spent the day dealing with all this stuff. And the end of the counter, which I forgot to photograph, but which, like the dresser in the bathroom has the current notes, including little handwritten days of the week notes for every day of a busy week. Again so that I don't forget appointments or other activities that take me out of the house.
Then there is the Living Room, where I have notes mostly in a lined notebook with notes from HGTV shows (are you sensing a theme here?), the Friday afternoon scrapbook show that I tape and watch called Scrapbook Memories, the Friday sewing show that I tape on watch called Martha's Sewing Room, and any library books about decorating, jewelry making, crocheting, sewing or wireworking that I read while watching Bill Maher or other shows that don't require full attention. (I could never read these books during Lost,
Desperate, Grey's, Survivor, Hills etc.) Will I ever actually use these ideas/notes or do any of these projects? Only time will tell.
Today I am making a round tablecloth to go on a table in the sunroom for the summer; I'm also working on the dining room table. So for those who wonder, just what is she always talking about that dining room table? How bad could it be? Why can't she have us over? I've seen her house and there is NOTHING on the dining room table except a runner and centerpiece and maybe a couple of candleholders, and a few notes in the corner of the table (a former note to self location)....Well, here's the dirty evidence....It's a big room, a big table, and a HUGE mess. To add insult to injury, the buffet in the dining room is also covered in things about which I cannot make a decision. (to get rid of or find a permanent place to save it in)It doesn't look so bad except it's been there for at least a month. The piles shift and change. That Better Homes and Gardens is from a house sale, and it's circa 1981. I don't even know where I was in 1981. Oh, yes I do, it was the best of times and the worst of times. The best of times was the two months spent travelling around Europe. The best. The worst was all the rest. Finishing law school, flunking bar exam, substitute teaching and coaching debate and forensics (that wasn't so bad really, just kind of lame against the law school backdrop) and figuring out how to get out of Dearborn Hts. No mother, it wasn't THAT BAD. But it wasn't a big ball of fun, either. I haven't even looked at the BH&G, but one of my friends did. We offer all kinds of entertainment at the dining room table. Right now you could read a few books about jewelry making, learn how to loom knit (oblong loom and on point library book ready to go...yarn not), actually string some beads and make something, sew a vintage beaded purse lining (finish sewing it really - I've started it), read a garden book (not motivated this year for some reason, but enjoying taking garden pictures), take pictures of jewelry in homemade light tent box and figure out how to get whiter background. Experiment with taking jewery photos on electric light box, make wire jewelry with new Thing-A-Ma-Jig or Fiskars Mandrel, or, clear all this off the table somewhere (probably on top of the books and piles on the buffet) and get out all the scrapbook, albums, supplies, frames, and roll in the scrapbook dresser which holds all the rest of the supplies. Today I Freecycled Katherine Graham's Pulitzer Prize Winner memoir. Three people wanted it! It was on my nightstand. I couldn't read it. She wrote about every minute of her life. And she lived a long one. Every minute. This woman would have been a great Twitterer. And I recycled the note about blogging about Note To Self.
What do I do all day? You Tell Me.

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