Sunday, January 10, 2016


Image result for joy movie posterJoy - I loved Joy! However, other women have commented that they either cried through a lot of it or were upset at what was going on it it. Sorry friends, but huh? I do love love love movies, so I'm usually looking to like and enjoy the ones I see, and I'll admit to not being overly critical. I take the story, true or not, for what it is. I don't look for a message unless the movie is meant to send me one. Joy is a story about continually overcoming the odds. Somehow. Some way. And above all, believing in yourself. For me it was a movie about hope and optimism and hanging on to one's dreams no matter what. 

Image result for smile 1975 movie posterSmile - This was a crazy little movie made in 1975 as a mocumentary about a beauty pageant. A number of the "stars" in the movie went on to be famous, and it was great to see them in this oddball story.

Image result for slade house book coverSlade House by David Mitchell - Slade House is not my usual genre, but if I was going to shake it up, this was the way to shake. Slade House is the constant through a creepy story about time travel and ghostly beings and people who never die. The cover is very cool - like a window - looking down through a staircase, but also possibly at the floor plan of Slade House. I wish I'd paid a little more attention to the descriptions of the house - I thought I was, but the picture isn't what I saw in my mind. I do get wrapped up about covers.

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