Saturday, January 16, 2016


Image result for a memory of violets book coverA Memory of Violets A Novel of London's Flower Sellers by Hazel Gaynor - A Memory of Violets is so good that it doesn't need a secondary title. This beautiful story stands on its own as one of the best. Jumping between 1876 and 1912, we follow a young girl and a young woman who seem somehow connected. It's beautifully written and this morning with half of it to go, I decided to bag everything else and finish it. I think you know by the beautiful title that if I loved it, you will be similarly enchanted with the characters and settings. Read it next!
Image result for the revenant posterThe Revenant - There have been many good movies this year, most of them intense, and The Revenant is no exception. Leonardo DiCaprio is a father whose love for his son knows no bounds. It's a powerful movie showing the toughness of the human spirit. It's been nominated for 12 Oscars, so although I liked it a lot, I obviously missed something, because there were other movies I found more enjoyable and/or compelling. But what do I know? As not a member of the Academy, I would say that I wish everything didn't have to be a competition, and that we could just watch each movie for the experience and enrichment it brings to our lives.
Image result for the sapphires posterThe Sapphires - I taped this charming little movie ages ago, and finally watched it. The Sapphires are an Australian girl band in the 1960s. It's a bit of a different movie, but easy to watch and good enough to include here as a mention.

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