Friday, August 21, 2015


Image result for Grey  jamescoverGrey by E.L. James - Oh, that E.L. is clever - she's as smart as Christian Grey with this new twist on the same story. I feel like it's a shameless money grab, but I also know that women like reading this stuff. It's Fifty Shades of Grey all over again, only this time "as told by Christian". Which means it's very grey; Christian wants Ana under his terms only, and his viewpoint is all male, if you know what I mean. Ana's story was flowery and emotional and had ups and downs. So is Christian's story only without the flowery language. For some crazy reason, it's readable - even though you know the story, you've read the emails between Ana and Christian, and you know exactly what's going to happen, you still read it! Go figure. 

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