Sunday, March 17, 2013


Meets Girl by Will Entrekin - The only way to read Meets Girl is not from an actual paper book.  So on Sue's advice that this was a magical story, and with her assistance in figuring out how to read it, I downloaded the Kindle App and read it on my iPad.  Meets Girl is a modern love story by an engaging author.  Will Entrekin speaks right to his reader, and in the moment, more like he's talking and we're listening, except that he's such a great writer  that you know you're reading.  Happily reading.  If you're a book downloader and like a love story with a little magic and a straightforward voice, then go for it.  You don't need me to tell you any more. Will will foreshadow and entice you right into the middle of his angst, his choice, his love and his enlightenment.  Sue was's magical!

As for me, I'm back into the real pages of a real book.  No brightness backlight and fonts and columns to constantly adjust, no falling asleep reading and discovering the battery- exhausted iPad in the morning, or worrying about whether I might drop the iPad as I sleepily put it on the nightstand after I've fallen asleep reading.  Reading is my escape and iPad is my distraction.  I really don't want to mix the two. Escape is essential.  Distraction is throwaway.  


Will Entrekin said...


Just wanted to say thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed the book. Thanks to Sue, as well, for recommending it.

Just want to note, a print copy should be available at Amazon (though I think it might have a few typos, as it's not as easy to update as the Kindle version). But I totally get what you mean about escapes versus distractions. I tend to read most on my Kindle, which only does books; if I try to read on my iPad, I end up going to Twitter and checking email and popping over to Safari.

Thanks again, and happy reading!

Dianne said...

Will! I was at my bead group sitting next to Sue when I received the email that told me you had commented. We were thrilled to hear from you. Thank you for giving us Meets Girl. I'm going to track down your other works. Dianne