Thursday, March 28, 2013


It's been awhile since I've written anything but a review, but it's time to get back on track.  Last week, Susansw sent an email with a link to a list of the best donut  places in the U.S.  On that list was the Donut Vault on Franklin in Chicago.  I'd been after Nancy L. to go to the Mart because we hadn't been in ages, not since the Apparel Center wrapped up and moved across the street (to the Mart).  I now knew about Spot Hero, so we wouldn't have to stress about parking which had pretty much dried up in the last couple of years.  Dried up in the form of no more cheap parking lot down the street from East Bank, and no more 4 hour meters on that same street.  Now there were fewer spots and that thing where you park, go over to a machine, figure out how much time you want, use your credit card to buy it, get a receipt, go back to your car and put the receipt in a visible place, and finally, finally, go rushing around on your errands so that you'd be back to the spot before your time expired.  With Spot Hero (which really is a Hero) you just figure all this out at home, buy a discounted parking spot near your destination in a garage or on a lot, and go there.  Get your spot, usually for the entire day, and go easily about your business without the worry of expiration and tickets.  But I digress. 

On the way down, I mentioned to Nancy that I had a taste for a good donut and a taste test if we make it there by 11, because these new boutique donut places make donuts, sell them, and close for the day.  Just like The Donut in San Pedro, remember?  Nancy never ever casually buys fun food, but she agreed to go along with me, 'cause she also doesn't want to miss out on a good thing.   She didn't know that Donuts were the new Cupcake. 

Donuts are the new Cupcake.  Of course, anyone can make a good cupcake.  Baking is easy and pretty neat, and cupcakes are the easiest.  Frosting is like three ingredients, so I never got the big deal with cupcakes.  Wouldn't turn one down, but would never go out of my way for one.  Whereas with donuts, you've got multiple steps.  They need yeast, which needs rising time, and then you've got to deep fry, which is messy and you've got to deal with the leftover oil.  So donuts are the perfect destination food because I wouldn't make them for myself.  Donuts are the new donut.  Cupcakes aren't supposed to be a thing.  (In my  humble opinion)

Firecakes - It's a pretty and bright little place with the donuts front and center under glass.  So so good.  The triple chocolate donut is all I want in a triple chocolate donut and more.  The glazed donut was melt in your mouth heavenly.  I cannot wait to go back.

Donut Vault - It's just a little tiny brick hole in the wall with an old fashioned cash register and the donuts on one of those stack tray carts hidden behind a wall.  They were out of the chocolate, so I bought the Vanilla Glazed which was a very very good big donut. Nancy had a piece of each of my donuts, and this was her favorite.  Mine was Firecakes.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love of donuts is right out of my own childhood. Could never resist them as soon as they arrived at my Dad's restaurant.-- they were so fresh and tasty. The fruit does not fall far from the tree.