Sunday, September 30, 2012


The Outliers  The Story of Success by Malcom Gladwell - In this non-fiction book about the roots of financial success, Gladwell assumes that his reader thinks success, especially super success is an anomaly.  One of the many theories he advances in the book is that the month or year that someone is born contributes to their success based on other demographic statistics.  Another is that it takes 10,000 hours of practice or working at something before one masters it and is able to become successful doing it.  There are also chapters about airline crashes and communication styles in cultures, and some other stuff.  It's definitely food for thought, and I recommend it because it's interesting.   I guess I never thought that people got rich by sheer luck.  I already knew that there was an enormous amount of hard work and patience (something Malcom didn't cover in his studies) along with an impatience of personality to be successful.  There is age old wisdom that preceeds Malcom's theories:  Have you ever heard that......

Timing is Everything
Hard Work and Luck will bring you Success
The Early Bird Catches the Worm
Hard Work is the Key to Success
Do Something You Love 
Keep Your Nose To The Grindstone

I just Wikied Malcom, and he's a guy who has benefited by his own place in time, by the great story about his family heritage which you will read at the end of The Outliers, and maybe even by his young appearance.  Hard work and good timing have been in his favor. 

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