Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Girls - This is a new HBO show that directly counters the slick excesses of Sex In The City. Although funny enough, this too, covers sex in the city. It's a nutty little half hour about a group of smart but somewhat awkward yet confident 20-something college graduates making their way through their 20s. It's about the nature of friendships and relationships in 2012.

Something Borrowed - Sweet chick flick with Kate Hudson and Ginnifer Goodwin. If nothing else is on, this has just enough entertainment value to stick around to find out what happens. Kate plays the partying friend, and Ginnifer plays the straight smart girl. Somehow John Krasinski (Jim from the Office) plays Ginnifer's sidekick. Kate doesn't know that she's in a love triangle. Colin Egglesfield is the Tom Cruise look-alike at the center of the action.

Summer - This is a collection of short stories and poems about summer. Summer is my favorite season, and someday I hope to live in a place where it's summer all year. It's almost here this year, and I have no expectations after the past few years of dashed ones. All I know is that I'm going to get all this stuff out of the house at the beginning of it. I hope it stretches long and relaxing like the summer stories in this book, which will be available for purchase at my sale. Unless you're a good friend, and mention this blog. Then you will have to take the book off my hands for free.

On the purge front, I've gotten rid of a number of black clothes that had been clogging my closet with pleats and big shoulders. I have a couple of dresses that look great on the hanger, and GREAT from the side. However the minute I see myself from the front or back, forget it! Too bad I can't just be viewed from the side at parties. I'd keep them. But I can't, so I'm not. The closet is no longer full, but there is barely an inch to hang anything new, which works out perfectly because I no longer shop the way I used to. Still love it, just don't have the time for it in a changing and fickle marketplace.

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