Sunday, April 8, 2012


Emerald City and Other Stories by Jennifer Egan - I love short stories. You get into them and out of them. There's a little thinking, and always a way to put the book down between stories. This is a very modern group of stories. Their home base is Chicago, but they are not Chicago stories; most of them happen in other places or on vacation. Each of these stories was a perfect little jewel.

This week I got back out into our yard. I'd lost the gardening bug the year before, and last year I hurt my foot, so things had long been neglected. My basic designs have held up pretty well, and this year's small goals are to tweak and fill in. The larger goals are first, to clear out the huge overgrown yews in the corner next to our screened porch and create a lovely vignette anchored by a Japanese Maple tree, and second, to do something with our empty cement fountain. Pictures to come soon!

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