Thursday, October 6, 2011

50/50 * TURN OF MIND

50/50 - I just saw the latest best movie. 50/50 is based on the true story of a young man, 27 years old, diagnosed with a serious large tumor on his spine. He's seems to be an average guy, quiet type, clever, getting serious girlfriend, works with his best friend at a public radio station. His back hurts him when he's running, so he gets it checked out, and BOOM. This is the story of Adam, the cancer and his funny best friend who continues to be funny, irreverent, and sarcastic, treating his friend the same as he always has. Seth Rogan always delivers, doesn't he? How a movie can be sad and funny at the same time is a new and edgy concept that's been explored in the past few years, and one which I'll continue to watch. Be ready to laugh and to cry.

Turn of Mind by Alice LaPlante - I've never read anything quite like this book. Told in the first person by a retired surgeon with Alzheimer's, you'll come to know the people around her in the way that she knows them with this disease. What kept me reading was the first person account about the descent of her brain and perceived intelligence. This is actually a mystery for those of my friends who read that genre. It's stirring and thought provoking, and I read it in a minute. You might read it to figure out the mystery; I read it to know about the turn of a mind.

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