Saturday, August 13, 2011


The Hand That First Held Mine by Maggie O'Farrell - This was one of our five for a dollar books purchased at a garage sale with Debby and Barbara a few weeks ago. It's written in the present tense, in that one time frame present, one time frame past genre, and I loved the story in the past time frame, but was just biding my time through the present until somehow this thing would come together. When it finally did, or when some of the foreshadowing started to be known, it got really really good. It turned out to be a great story, but a lot of words were wasted on the characters in the present time. Overall an OK read because of all that had to be gone through before it finally came together. This book had six different covers, but what it really needed was strict editing on the present-time story. Oh, and what was it about exactly? A woman in the present time, Elina and her husband, except they aren't married, have a new baby. In the past time, the story is about a woman named Lexie Sinclair who leaves her quiet home at 18 to go get a life in London. I could read about Lexie forever. I was done with Elina on practically the first page, but you have to keep up with the Elina/Ted story in order to have it all come together at the end.

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