Tuesday, April 5, 2011


The Tourist - As I recall, the reviews were luke warm on this one, but I thought it was a very pretty movie. I fell asleep about half way through, but didn't miss much when I rewound the last 10 minutes and watched to find out what happened. It's a slow mover, but as I said, very pretty to watch. Angelina Jolie is striking in every scene, and the scenery of Venezia is wonderful.

Nothing too new or exciting around here today. I did some walking, voted, and got into the basement for some straightening and freecycling. There's more to go, but at least I can see my way around now. It's a downer and a mess down there, but I'm finally motivated to really purge. We met a really nice freecycler who picked up a couple of CDs and a tchotchke. A couple of years ago, I got a glass gri
nding machine from her, and it turns out that she is a glass mosaic artist. She offered to help Steve (teach him how, actually) rebuild/repair the leaded glass window in our front door. It's a three section window, and one of them has been in disrepair from the day we bought the house in July of 1991. So, if this happens, and it's a big IF, it only took 20 years to get that repair completed. I'll believe it when I see it. Completed. Taking it apart and working on it doesn't count, because with Steve, that process could take another 5 years! You can't see the damage and disrepair in my photo, but take my word for the fact that the glass shakes, but never breaks whenever this door is opened and closed.
It's the window on the right:

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