Thursday, July 16, 2009


I've always got a stack of books from the library on how to do stuff. Lately it's been jewelry making of the metalsmithing variety, a Martha Stewart Craft book and Sewing books. Oh, also how to do things on the computer books. Fiction wise I tore through Carrie Fisher's books, Surrender the Pink and The Best Awful - A Novel. I mean I tore through them. Read a few chapters of Surrender, said "I can't do this again" and read a few chapters in the middle and the last chapter. For Awful, I read the first chapter, a couple in the middle and a couple at the end. Carrie's a constant person. Her mind never never stops and it's really clever and loves words and plays on words and playing with words and wordplay. (as she might say and believe me, she'd have 3 or 4 more little phrases to add to my little line up).
The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman - This might be one of the best self help books for marriage around. It makes perfect sense, but of course, you've got to do it to make it work. The five languages are Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service and Physical Touch. If you figure out the language of your partner, and do their language, you'll be filling their emotional tank, and your marriage will improve. Most times, people are speaking their own love language to the partner which doesn't work, because the partner has a different language. Anyway.

This week I am determined to finish the little lap quilt I started making for Peter 7 years ago. There was a new quilt book at the library, and something about the "how to finish a quilt" words in this particular book sparked the task. I've probably read 30 quilt books and the same number of "how to finish your quilt" instructions. I even bought of couple of the books. Now it's clicked. I'm going to bind it with self made bias binding. I've made the binding, trimmed the batting, and I hope today I'll find the minutes to sew binding to quilt. And then post a picture of a completed project from my sewing pile.

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