Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Evidence of Things Unseen - By Marianne Wiggins. A love story about Fos and Opal, a couple who lived in the years between the First and Second World Wars. Books set in the 1920s have always been my favorite, and this one does not disappoint. Fos and Opal would be the ages of my grandparents, but they were born in this country, so it's not an immigrant story, but a story about a period in histsory in North Carolina and Kentucky. Like Shadowcatcher, the craft and art of photography is woven loosely and tightly through the story. In Shadowcatcher, we see the pictures, and although I would love to see even one picture of the characters in this book, they come so alive that they'll be locked in my imagination for a very long time. This was so good, that the other night I was up until almost 3 AM unable to stop reading, until I was finally so tired and so near the end of the book, that I finally had to sleep. When I awoke, all I could think about was the story until I came home from dropping off at school and finished it. So now it's done, and there is the inevitable letdown that comes after reading such an intense and amazing book. Day one after the book was very creative. Today is day two; I started another book this morning, by a familiar
author, so reading should be OK as soon as I get into it, but I know that my heart will be in Evidence of Things Unseen for awhile.

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