Sunday, February 10, 2008


Jane Austin Book Club
: This is the sweetest little chick flick around. Steve happened into the room half way through it, and liked it too.

Once: This modern day musical takes place in Ireland and I loved it. About a guy and a girl and spans one week. Wonderful.

It's 0 degrees outside with tons of snow that turned to ice, so I've been busy in my sewing room. The tiebacks are finished. Before you look at the picture which looks as if the tiebacks don't really match the curtains, I will have to agree, that they don't actually match. They compliment, though, and in the room they look nice. I have this idea that I'll get some curtains for the dining room that do match the tie backs, and then I'll use the tie backs on the new curtains, and make new tiebacks for the living room. Good thing I love to do these things. So without further ado...

The next project I completed was to ma
ke a fleece jacket that would be dressy-ish but very warm. It's just darling with bell sleeves, and looks very much like the picture on the front of the pattern. It turns out the pattern is made with a fine winter white wool and lined, so my jacket is a little bulkier than I'd thought it would be. I didn't line it, and it was 1 degree out this morning, so we didn't go to church, so I have no idea how practical it's going to be.

Then I wanted to make a felted purse with a cardigan that I'd inadvertantly shrunk when cold water washing it on delicate. So I decided I wanted to shrink it one more step. I read the book on how to felt and what you do is put the item in, agitate a few minutes and check it. Keep on doing this until the item is the size you want. What I did was ignore that advice, because after all, I'd washed it once and knew exactly how it would turn out, right? WRONG. It shrunk down to what is now going to be a smaller purse once I follow the directions and make it according to the book.

Yesterday my friend Nancy came over and although she had a headache, she agreed to play Scrabble with me. The handicap was that she could use word lists, and I wouldn't.
It was a great game! See for yourself: Final Score: Dianne 307 Nancy 273 Those two A's were left on Nancy's rack when I went out with Ham. Highest word score was COMA for 44.

The things you need for a great Scrabble game are as follows: A board with updented squares. Good old fashioned white wooden letters. A homemade Scrabble bag. Extra long Scrabble racks. Plain paper to score. Like this:

Oh, and I also started and plan to complete the bookcase curtains that I am making for the guestroom redo. The book case looks messy with my patterns and books, no matter how I organize or arrange it. So this pillowcase turned curtain will be one of those little details that complete the room. I'll show photos of that another time.

Oh, and how great is it that Obama won three more states. It's very strange to me that the loss of life in this ridiculous Iraq War is borne so casually by so many Americans. It weighs me down and makes me very sad. I'm just watching 60 Mintues with Katie Couric interviewing Hillary. Katie is not worthy of 60 Minutes. Her questions are bad.
Hillary is great though. She can handle Katie all day long.

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