Sunday, September 25, 2016


url.jpgThe Girl With The Lower Back Tattoo by Amy Schumer - Trainwreck was sweet, but usually Amy puts me off with over-the-top "inappropriateness". I enjoy inappropriateness as much as the next person, but we all have our delivery preferences, and I'll take South Park over Amy. That said, I enjoyed her book! She's fresh, irreverent and honest. About everything. And then she's funny. About everything. She gives you chapters with titles then delivers. It's a very organized book and I appreciate that.

Lately I've really slowed down on the blog - in part because my computer has really slowed down. It's 9 years old, and Firefox no longer works on it. It takes a minute to fire up (I remember the days when a minute to fire up would have been excellent!) and I haven't configured it to the cloud, to photo stream or even my phone. And now bringing a picture onto the blog is a crapshoot. 
I'm still subbing, and still enjoying it. It's a close to home job, students are great, teachers and staff are dedicated to excellence, and most days I feel like I might have made a small difference for being there. And because it's teaching, it's not really a job, it's a calling, so the days that I actually impart information are the best. My favorite sub jobs are the specials: library, tech, music, gym, english, social studies and instructional aid positions where you work with small numbers of students to help them do well in their classes. 
I've also started a new job as Background Talent (that's what we call Extras in the business) on TV shows and movies that are made in Chicago. It takes me all over the city at all hours, and sometimes I work and sometimes I wait to work. It's not glamorous but it appeals to my flexible schedule. Two jobs isn't easy though. Especially if you want to do anything else. I've been on Chicago PD, Chicago Fire, worked Chicago Med but didn't appear as far as I know, worked Chiraq but my scene was cut even though I eventually saw it on Facebook, worked on Patriot, waiting to see if I'll be seen, worked on Exorcist, waiting to see if I'll be seen, worked on a little post pilot comedy, waiting to see if it will even be on let alone whether I'll be seen (I think I would be seen if it ever hits a screen). Worked on Empire, waiting to see if I'll be seen. Working on the new show, Chicago Justice tomorrow, as a lawyer. It's cut into the beach walks, the shopping, the organizing, the creativity that I claim to crave, and even the TV watching. The DVR was up to 98% at one point. I've watched it down to 71 as of last night, but tonight is Sunday, so here we go again!  One night I was really tired, and made a reservation to go to Myanmar with my friend Nancy and her family. It's going to be an amazing trip, and I hope it jump starts my old love of travel. So that's the latest - now let's see if I can get the right size picture of Amy Schumer's book to upload in the right place. Why does simply continuing to write my blog have to be stressful? Why? Oh, I forgot to mention that she's got a fabulous title and book jacket, and I like the Tiffany blue inside cover pages, too. Thanks, Amy. I liked your book a lot.

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