Thursday, July 9, 2015


Image result for some luck coverSome Luck by Jane Smiley - At some point in this interminable book when I started skipping paragraphs and pages but decided to finish it based on the remarks in the inside cover which I read before deciding whether I was going to throw in the towel, I knew that Rosanna was really bugging my s--t. As it were. She's the matriarch of the tale, a farm wife who does it all and then more and always knows better than anyone else. She starts out fairly sweet and even likeable, but when tragedy strikes, she just gets boring and a little judgmental. The story lines of her family are somewhat interesting, but there is a flat note to the telling, kind of like the huge endless fields of corn and soybeans. I'm glad it's over. It was too long. I have some fun books in the queue now; I hope they're good.

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