Thursday, May 7, 2015


Image result for the beautiful american mackinThe Beautiful American by Jeanne Mackin - Loved it. This story happens in Paris before World War II where the lovely Nora of Poughkeepsie, NY lives with her boyfriend on the fringes of the art scene. Man Ray and Picasso figure as characters in the shadows of Nora's and Jamie's lives, while the well known American model Lee Miller looms large. What makes the book so good is that it's like separate stories are all entwined into one large portrait of small Nora's interesting life. She narrates thoughtfully, but gratefully for me, not annoyingly, which is why I enjoyed the book so much.

Image result for the girl on the train coverThe Girl On The Train by Paula Hawkins - It's true, you can't put  this one down. Our narrator is a nut case, but she's so sincere and weaves such a good story that you can't fault her for any of her craziness. At least I couldn't! It's a mystery, not a thriller, which is what made it so readable for me. A thriller would seem forced and unreal, but a mystery could really happen, and this is a good one, all the more entertaining because of the masterful storytelling of mad Rachel. You really don't know what will happen next or what she will do next.

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