Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Chef - Chef is the best. It's a great little story about a Chef who thought he was happy in his life, even with occasional bumps in the road. He isn't savvy about social networking - he just loves to cook. He's been in the same job for awhile when things happen to bring his life to a turning point. It's a watchable and entertaining movie about a regular guy and his regular people including a sweet 11 year old son, and how life sometimes takes us to where we never imagined we'd go.

All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr - Sue! Thank you so much for this book recommendation. I'd been waiting for a really really good one. This book is so good, that I read it in such as way as to savor the story and characters. It's set in the history of World War II in Europe, and it's mostly about a Parisian girl named Marie-Laure and a German boy named Werner. Their separate stories parallel throughout the book at the same time that we read back and forth through the beginning of the war and the times that happened near the end of the war. It's told in a present tense narration which isn't usually my favorite, but the story is beautifully told. Let this be the next book that draws you in to places and times that you'll remember and hold onto for awhile.

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