Monday, December 30, 2013


The Book Thief - The blog is finally paying off as a diary of sorts.  I read The Book Thief in 2008 and loved it, but didn't remember the story after all this time, so went into the movie with a vague idea of a young girl in a German town during World War II and an even vaguer idea of where the book thief came into play.  It was great to see the movie as a whole new story, and it was so so good.  I saw it in Naples at the new theater where you seemingly overpay at a machine outside the theaters, but reserve a seat.  Which turned out to be a well placed large, comfy leather seat.  Overpriced?  I don't think so!  Especially if the movie is great!  
The Way Way Back - We'd bought a DVD player for my mom and George years ago, but it hadn't seen much use, so I rented this movie, popped it in the DVD and had a great little evening's entertainment.  It's a coming of age movie about a 14 year old boy and his single mom who go on vacation with the mom's boyfriend, played by Steve Carrell.  The boy explores around the town and gets a job and a life, and I don't want to give any more away, because any movie or story is so much more enjoyable when you don't know what's going to happen next.  (Take that, Chicago Tribune movie reviewers). Caged - I also watched a lot of TCM in Florida.  Caged is the movie that stands out as one I'd never seen before and one that I hope to see again. Eleanor Parker plays a nice young woman who lands in black and white 1950 prison in New York. It's every prison movie you've ever seen and more.  

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