Tuesday, August 20, 2013


25 Before 25 by Whitney Thompson - I don't usually read self help books, but this one is just a little slip of a thing, and besides, it's geared to under 25 year olds!  However, it's packed with common sense concepts that might resonate with women of any age.  Whitney has a great voice, she's not bossy or preachy, and doesn't presume to know more than anyone else as she talks about the difficult experiences that led her to write the book. This isn't a list of things to do before you turn 25;  it's a look at life lessons. The cover is delightful, and between the pages is practical inspiration for navigating the tough times and realizing that you're not the only one. 

Green Cane and Juicy Flotsam Short Stories by Caribbean Women Edited by Carmen C. Esteves and Lizabeth Paravisini-Gebert - Another intriguing title for a book of stories about life in the different islands.  The reading isn't easy, in part due to the physical style of the book.  The font is nice and dark, but the letters and lines are close spaced, and it's as if there are few or no paragraph breaks.  So with the eyes, it was hard reading, and that took away from some of the amazing stories.  The title and cover are about the place... the heat, the vegetation, the water. The stories are personal and engaging. I'm glad I read it. 

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