Saturday, April 20, 2013


Guts the Endless Follies and Tiny Triumphs of a Giant Disaster by Kristen Johnston - Kristen writes about what happened when her addiction to wine and pain-killers caught up with her one night in London.  Basically her guts exploded, and it wasn't pretty.  She tells the story with honesty, sarcasm, humor and humility.  She spent her life hiding truths, so it was a big step to write this book.  She writes about being a "functional addict" which is tough, because as long as the person is functioning, what's the problem, right?  The functional addict is scary because of the secrecy that pervades not only the addict's life, but the lives of family and friends who help the addict maintain cover.  One of the things she says is that "everyone is an addict", and I agree.  TV or books, anyone?  The thing is, not everyone's addiction has the power to destroy and possibly end their lives. I like Kristen's voice - she's smart and perceptive, and she writes a good book. 

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