Friday, February 24, 2012


Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang by Chelsea Handler - I love this title, and the book turned out to be pretty good too, after suffering the first two chapters which were rehashes of chapters in the last Chelsea book that I read. Kind of like buying a record album with more of the same songs on it, when you wanted different. It did get funnier, though, and there are pictures, and there is a little more about her siblings. After the first two chapters I wasn't going to read the two Chelsea books that I haven't yet read, but upon completion of CCBB, I am going to read the other two. They are simple, fast, funny, in between reads.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Running the Rift by Naomi Benaron - Jean Patrick is a runner with Olympic dreams. However, this story takes place in Rawanda in the mid 1990s, and Jean Patrick is Tutsi. The Tutsis were at a disadvantage as the Hutu government slowly put the screws to them, restricting their lives and freedoms. It's a story about Rawandan history, about running, about families, about divided loyalties, about love. Beautifully written and compelling on many levels. I wish my review could do it justice. Just read it.

Monday, February 13, 2012


A Smile As Big As The Moon - I don't generally watch Hallmark movies, but then when I do, I wonder why I'm not constantly tuned into this channel. This movie features a New Trier High School graduate, and is about a 1980's special education class at a midwestern high school, and the teacher who believed in them. It's based on a true story about a group of kids who weren't supposed to be able to go to Space Camp because at the time, it was mainly for gifted students. It's Hallmark, so you know what's going to happen after all, but it's good and inspiring and a pleasure to watch. Not to mention all you'll learn about space camp. It's the perfect family movie for all ages.

Drew Peterson: Untouchable - Then there is the complete opposite made for TV movie. Untouchable is the story of Drew Peterson, the alleged wife-murdering cop. Rob Lowe plays Peterson, a narcissistic creep, afraid of nothing. It was somehow compelling, if only because people like this actually walk among us, and have authority in our lives if we are unfortunate enough to cross paths with them. A well done Lifetime movie. Well done, Rob Lowe.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me (and other concerns) by Mindy Kaling - I just now read this book in one day because it's due and I didn't want to pay 10 cents a day while I'm out of town when I knew it would be a quick read. Or, more importantly, and it makes it a quicker read, a quick and very funny read. Mindy's book is as funny as Chelsea's, and maybe a little bit funnier than Tina's. She has this conversational way of talking that's smart and funny and assumes you're in the club with her, which is the not as cool as some clubs, but not the lowest club, either. The pictures of Mindy as a little girl are hilarious, and she comes across as a nice person, much nicer than her alter ego on The Office, Kelly Kapour. She even compares herself to Kelly in the book. She went to Dartmouth, and she has some great advice for guys that helps them know what girls will love. She kept me laughing so that I couldn't put it down.

I'm off again to Southern California, one of the best places in the world. Beautiful weather, everyone happy and nice, not cold all the time, good donuts on every corner. I'll try to take more pictures and to blog from there, although I haven't figured out how to get an ipad photo over to my blog. Somehow there isn't a similar browse function on the iPad. My Apple loving and knowing Sister in Law Susan will be with me, though, so I'm hoping that she'll know or be able to figure it out patiently, which I can't do. I take to the party my incredible skills at packing and organizing and emptying out a house for Steve's wonderful Aunt Kay who is making a brave move to a new place in assisted living near Susan.

Kay is super fun, cool and blonde with a great figure because she loves to go to the gym and exercise. She has a couple of pairs of khakis where she looks like she's twenty years old from behind. We tried on everything in her considerable closets while I was there last time, and I got to be her stylist. I styled her to look fabulous and get dates if she wants them. I was so motivated to get in shape like Kay, that I actually put the P90X dvd in our dvd player last night. I didn't watch it, but it was an impressive step in the right direction. Here are Kay's main looks: All black with wide silver mesh belt and lots of silver jewelry. Khakis with tight print tops. She also took some old lady-ish things which she could wear to serious events, but why she'd ever want to when she looks so great in the styled outfits is beyond me. The Old Lady look was a camel colored pleated skirt past her knees and boxy blazer. Also some plain blouses with ruffles. I wish I'd taken her picture in all the outfits, but these were long days with little sleep, and I totally forgot. She would never have taken the old lady stuff if she'd seen the comparison on a screen. Oh well, maybe I'll have to take another trip out there when she moves!

Saturday, February 11, 2012


It's All About the Dress What I Learned in Forty Years About Men, Women, and Fashion by Vicky Tiel - Vicky is fabulous, and I loved loved loved her book. The title says it all, although it could also include Inside Hollywood Stories, Inside Stories from a Socialite's Life in the 1960s, 70s and 80s, and How to Get a Man. It's a sincere, fun read, and she includes bits of wisdom, great recipes, and little sketches throughout. Although I'd heard of Vicky Tiel, I didn't know much about her. She's flown under the radar of my popular culture knowledge, which made the book all the more delicious. If you like fashion, gossip, and fun, you'll like this book, too. Her designs are gorgeous and timeless, as are her recipes and as is her advice. I love Vicky!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Prodigal Summer by Barbara Kingsolver - This is the book I chose to read last week while I helped Steve's aunt at her townhome in southern California. It was the perfect escape for the week. It's three separate stories woven together. It's about families, farming, life and death, coyotes, insects, forests and nature. Not my usual fare, but a good choice to follow Breakfast with Buddha.

California was wonderful. The sun was shining every day, I discovered the best Donuts in the world, people were happy, and there was even a street sign in the middle of a street that said "U Turn OK"! You'll never see that in Chicago.

There was also a walk up Taco Bell with picnic tables in front, just as yummy as any Taco Bell in the world.