Sunday, June 27, 2010


The Daughter Trap by Laurel Kennedy - Wow. If you're a caregiver, or the main sibling on the front lines with an elderly parent, just know that you're not alone, and that nothing you're experiencing is unique or unusual. Laurel Kennedy talks about all aspects of this dilemma which is going to be huge in the coming years with an aging baby boomer population. She offers solutions going forward, but more than anything the book is a support in itself. A must read if you are that daughter or person.

On another note, I am currently gearing up for a driveway sale. I've got a lot of stuff and it's all over the place. The only goal here is to make a little space, since the whole thing is beyond beyond right now. Unless I get really busy and determined, things won't look much different after this sale. I wish there were three clones of me. We'd get it done then. One of me would be the decision maker - the one who goes through the stuff and says "sell this", the next me would get the thing into the sale pile and price it, and the third me would clean up after. All three of them would do the actual sale. The fourth real me would watch all this, go to some other sales that day, and then get the money. Voila. Job done.

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