Sunday, October 4, 2009


First of all, click on this link for some background music to your blog reading today: Background Music
It's Julie
Delpy singing this beautiful song in the movie
Before Sunset - that we watched last night. It was a lovely little movie set in Paris 9 years after Before Sunrise. I remember watching Before Sunrise years ago, and just reserved it at the library so that I could see it again. It's one long conversation between the characters who met 9 years before, and had plans to meet again 6 months later. Here's where we find out what happened. Ethan Hawke is still boyish, and Julie Delpy is beautiful. Basically I could listen to the song over and over again, and as I'm writing I'm doing just that.

What do I do in my spare time? You know, that spare time I don't ev
er have? It's taken me a couple of weeks of minutes here and there, but one of my dirty little secrets is that I love to do jigsaw puzzles. The only requirement is that I like the picture. My favorites are good old fashioned Big Ben puzzles, although the pictures are never as alluring. Big Bens consist of 4 sided interlocking pieces with a set number of variations. This picture is one of those puzzles with funny shapes that take a while to get used to, including some really huge funny curvy pieces. Once you get used to the funny shapes, it's fairly straight forward. How pretty is this?

And now for the big news of the weekend. I found a Yellow Bowl! You never know where your most precious treasures will be found. At a little garage sale in Wilmette, where things were overpriced (it turns out that the person used to own a retail store, and was pricing based on a great sale at a store rather than garage sale prices. It also turned out that she doesn't go to garage sales, and doesn't know garage sale pricing). Anyway, I'm looking at all this nice and very clean new looking stuff, and on the last table, I spot it.
The Yellow Bowl. If you recall, last year I'd broken the yellow bowl from my Pyrex nesting bowl set, and was very upset. I hoped that I'd find one at a sale someday. You can buy them on ebay, but I wanted to discover one on my own. And I did.
Priced at $4.00, and I got it for 3. It's in similar condition and color to the one I had. I couldn't be happier.To add icing to the cake of this little story, later that afternoon, after going to Peter's cross country meet, I had a decision to make: bounce around Lincolnwood and Skoke with Nancy L. to some garage sales and a house sale for what Nancy S. calls sloppy seconds, or go with Nancy S. to a small exclusive sounding Condo Sale in Highland Park. I chose exclusivity, figuring that I'd also get home sooner and maybe get something done. (I did, too. I got the puzzle done). In a kitchen cupboard of the condo sale were guess what? Not one, but two yellow bowls. Yup. And priced at $4.00 each (basically the cheapest things in that condo) but not in as nice condition as the one I'd already bought.
Here are my Pyrex Bowls....All's well in the cupboard.
Are you enjoying the Julie Delpy background music?

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