Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I still want to write about the Gelato and Linens in Florence.
Today Steve and I had Double Chocolate Fudge Milkshakes from Steak 'n Shake when we passed it on our way from Elk Grove Village, which was going to be on our way to Buffalo Grove for a Cross Country Meet which was cancelled. So we get to Steak 'n Shake and I see that the Double Chocolate Fudge flavor is called a "Sippable Sundae". Yeah. Yum. I couldn't wait, and could only imagine how good it would be. A few minutes later, I found out. Good. My only suggestion for an improvement would be to supply one of those spoon straws with it rather than a regular straw. They give the spoon straws at Taco Bell with the Fruitistas, and they work really well. But I digress. The Steak 'n Shake Double Chocolate Fudge Sippable Sundae (I love writing that-Double Chocolate Fudge Sippable Sundae) is wonderful. If you've got a choice of whether to read Under the Banner blah blah blah or Fordlandia or have a Double Chocolate Fudge Sippable Sundae, I'd strongly recommend that you go for the chocolate.
Now....having said all that, would I choose a small Chocolate Cherry Liquer Gelato at Gelato de Neri in Florence, or a Steak 'n Shake Double Chocolate Fudge Sippable Sundae? The gelato every time. If it was that flavor, it wouldn't even have to be in Florence. I'd go to a gym or workout place for it even. (That's the very worst place I can think of to go - I like going almost anywhere else). I might even go to a cold and snowy place for it. Might. When I originally wrote this entry, these paragraphs followed the book reviews, but right now I'm going to do some revising and put these paragraphs at the top of the blog, and those lousy books can go at the bottom. I just saved you time from having to read the reviews today, didn't I?

One of my friends has been after me to read this book for years. Well, at least since we'd been discussing Big Love at bead group.
Under the Banner of Heaven by John Krakauer - The book turned up at a yard sale for 50 cents, so I bought it and just finished it in a mad burst of let's get this over with. No. Just no. It's about Mormon fundamentalists and gives the history of Mormonism, talks about some awful murders and crimes that have been committed by fundamentalist zealots, and in general repeats itself over and over again. But hey, some people like to read this stuff.

Fordlandia by Greg Grandin - Oops. This is a very detailed book about Henry Ford's failed experiment to grow rubber trees in the Amazon rain forest in the 1930s. I found the Wikipedia entry more entertaining than this book. Did I mention it was very detailed? I do read to learn, but usually the newspaper, not a huge book with every last painful detail repeated over and over. Reading is my passion, and I like to read for entertainment. I like to read a story. I like to read a memoir. I like to not know what's on the next page.

I hope that whatever is lined up on my nightstand to read next is better than these last two books. I'm open to suggestions. You know what I like to read. I need something I can't put down. Call me or comment.

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