Monday, September 14, 2009


Back home watching and reading and trying to get things done.
Bewitched - I'd DVRd this one a while ago, and finally watched it the other night. What a charming little movie. I'd hesitated because I don't love remakes if I've loved the original, and Bewitched holds some special childhood memories. I should have known that with Will Farrell you can rarely go wrong. The movie is about making a modern day remake of Bewitched and it's funny and engaging.
Teddy In His Own Words - This was an HBO Documentary about Ted Kennedy that aired a few months before his death. He narrates his life story never mincing on any of what must have been very very low moments. He was resilient and a survivor. He never stopped caring.
I Love You Man - This is the movie I watched on the flight over to Italy. It's sweet, but don't pay for it.
Where Did You Sleep Last Night? - by Danzy Senna - I liked the cover and title, brought it home, and read it next. (There is a small pile of to be read books on my night table). It's Danzy's story about her heritage. As the child of a white mother from a notable Boston family and black father with a largely unknown background, she sets out to find her father's people. So many of us crave to know who we are and where we are from and why we are the way we are. I'm one of the people with a thirst to unlock the mysterious past of my ancestors, but others don't care at all. Ultimately the non- carers have an easier time of it, and maybe they enjoy life more in the moment than we who have one foot in the past. Danzy found most of her answers. Will I?
I took the picture of the flowers on our green shamrock (Oxalis) with my new camera. I couldn't take it in black and white. With the Nikon S60, one has to take the photo in color, then use edit tools in the camera to put the photo in black and white. In this case, I used the iPhoto edit tool to go black and white. My S1 would let me shoot in black and white, and I think I preferred doing that, then doing the additional in camera editing which is more work, and seems less honest. So now I have to find a new old stock S1.

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