Monday, December 22, 2008


The Girls Who Went Away by Anne Fessler is "The hidden history of women who surrendered children for adoption in the decades before Roe v. Wade". So here we have another little awful secretive part of history, perpetuated by people worried about what others will think. Story after story about pregnant young girls who were sent away by their parents to have their babies in secret, give those babies away, then come home and "forget this ever happened". Of course, they didn't forget, and the events affected their lives in many many negative ways. Thank God things have changed.

Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli is pre-teen reading about a girl who is her own unique self. Narrated by a boy at school, it lets readers come to their own conclusions about the events in the book.

I Am Charlotte Simmons by Tom Wolfe - Tom Wolfe writes and writes and writes each excruciating detail, and gets into his characters' heads, and does a lot of editorializing as a writer. This is a story about a small town girl thrust into the big world of a major university, and more than that, it makes a big deal about college behavior that hasn't changed in 30 or 40 years. Since the beginning of time there have been pretty small town girls, confident wealthy and sorority girls, fraternity boys who drink, and athletes who are not the most academically proficient. Where has this guy been? Still, there were a few times when I couldn't put this one down. Go figure.

Talk To Me - A great little movie about a Washington DC disc jockey in the 1960s who took that city by storm, and became its voice during times of turmoil. Don Cheadle rarely disappoints, and in this movie, he is Petey Greene. Really good.

I've been thinking about what's next for my blog, and for me in the next year. New topics. New doings. New something!

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