Tuesday, June 24, 2008


There is nothing like a beach walk on a warm day. It is one of the best things about living close to the lake. Sunday afternoon, my good friends Nancy and Rob came over and the three of us walked over to the beach for a nice long walk at the water's edge.

It doesn't get much better than this.....

This is the view as we walked north toward the condo buildings across from Plaza Del Lago. Just look at that magnificent sky. Can you see the skywriting against the deep blue sky?

There was a helicopter writing SkyMan.
I didn't see the pilot wave to us, but Rob did. The next day I read an article that said the helicopter pilot was a woman, and she is one of the best skywriters around.

g was very attractive about this detrius that I spotted on the beach. It looked as if someone had shaped it. Was it a nest? Did an artist put it there to look sort of bird-like? Does it know secrets?
Is the word really detritus? Even though for my entire life of reading the word and never hearing it spoken, I have pronounced it to myself: detrius. Thanks to Susan and Kathy for bursting my pronunciation bubble a few months ago.

When we reached the condo buildings, we
decided not to work our way through the rocks, but rather to symbolically touch a rock with both hands, (actually I'm the only one who does this) and then turn around to
head south on the sailing beach, past the regular beach, past the public beach,
and on to the harbor.

As we were walking toward the boats in
the last photo, we turned toward the lake
and saw this guy.
Rob was totally impressed by how much fun that sailor was having on his hobie. It was pretty windy, although
the lake was beautiful and flat.

Not all beach walks go the distance. This is one of the very best, because at the end of it, you round a little corner, come through a small stand of trees, and our lovely harbor comes into view. It is one of my favorite scenes.

My favorite photo
of the day. The puffy white clouds in the
summer sky. When I was little I used to
be bored all the time, or maybe I wasn't,
because it was nice to look at the clouds
and to see shapes and imagine that it
was heaven. It certainly looked heavenly
on Sunday.

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