Monday, August 15, 2016


url.jpgAmerican Mysteries Great American Mystery Stories of the 20th Century - The Franklin Library - This book has been on my shelves for years! It's a beautiful leather bound volume with gold trim, but it's really the words on the pages that make it so good. These short stories are from my favorite era before technology but after cars and telephones - the 1920s - 50s. The stories are simply but richly told and each one is unique and truly ends. If you read it, make sure to read the bio about the author right away either before or after you read his or her story. I didn't know that the bios were there until I finished the book and found them, but they would have enriched the experience even more. I savored this one. I'm trying to choose a favorite story or two, but cannot - they all stand the test of time and great storytelling. 

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