Monday, November 25, 2013


Bridegroom - This is a movie that was on OWN last month, and may still be available or On Demand.  It's a beautiful and sad love story and when you watch the entire movie, you will not believe what is still happening in the United States of America in 2013.  You can get a preview by watching a YouTube video called It Could Happen To You by Shane Bitney.  I watched Bridegroom first, then the YouTube, which is what I recommend because I like my movies fresh and new without preconception.   House of Versace - And then there is Lifetime, for those who miss the Movie of the Week.  I'm not sure there is much more to say than that Lifetime has given us better movies.  If there are any Donatella or Gianni Versace fans, you may enjoy this one, but even then, maybe not.  Gina Gershon is a pretty Donatella, and Rachel Welsh plays her aunt, and the best fashion in the movie is in this picture of the black and white diamond leggings that Gina is wearing.    

Sunday, November 24, 2013


The Internship - It was so good I wish that I'd seen it in a theater.  Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn have perfected the art of making a movie sweet even through the edgy moments. The Internship is no exception, and if you want a funny and entertaining movie, look no further. Fun, clever, sweet.   Hold Fast by Blue Balliett  - I loved this book, and recommend it for all ages.  This is a story with a huge heart.  The underlying theme is one of hope against obstacles and dashed dreams.  It carries a positive message, and I hope it will someday be the "One Book" read that cities and libraries sometimes sponsor.  Blue Balliett surely wrote this book so that she could spark more than a conversation.  Could there be a national "One Book"? Could there be a revolution?  Will our politicians protect their most needful citizens?  Is it possible to really solve the big problems in our country and the world?  Please read Hold Fast.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Detroit 67 - It was Detroit week all last week with the book and then this play at our local theater.  Detroit 67 takes place in the summer of 1967 in a basement in Detroit.  A brother and sister run a little after hours party house business.  The story is engaging, the music is great, the actors were wonderful, and the Detroit history lesson is eye-opening.  Detroit was the scene of "riots" that summer, and although my family was on a vacation during those days, when we came home, things had changed in our city.  It just felt different - probably the very beginning of what is happening there now was sparked by those sad events.  The city "fathers" in all their elected and corporate wisdom made mistake after mistake in trying to bring back the prosperity.  Did they care about Detroit the way that ordinary citizens cared? 

Local Souls by Allan Gurganus - I have no idea where I got the notion to read this one, but I can say that these were three very very long short stories;  the first one already forgotten, the middle one OK, and the last one excruciating.  Think of those cold books by that Maine author, transplanted to a small North Carolina town.  Finished it in three days, but feel like I've been reading for three weeks, and why?  'Nuff said. Read at your own risk, or if you loved the Maine books.