Monday, October 21, 2013


Dealing with my desk last week, I came upon the flyer for this play written by Amy Herzog at the Northlight Theatre, and it was only going to be playing for one more week.  A quick call to the box office revealed that there was a good selection of rush seating available that very night.  So I picked up my ticket on the way to dinner with Steve's family, and went to the play on the way home. So glad I did.  

4000 Miles - The impatience of the young versus the wisdom of the old.  The play is about a 20 something guy who biked across the country with some heavy emotional baggage, and landed at his grandmother's New York City apartment.  She takes him in, and as the days go by (he was only going to be there for one night), they get used to each other.  Their relationship is strengthened, and the story develops these characters to the last minute of the play.  What I loved was how the characters were typical for their ages, and how easy it was to relate to both people. To say more would be to give away the beauty of the story, words and performances.  If you get the chance, see this one.  

St. Lucy's Home For Girls Raised By Wolves by Karen Russell - This compilation of short stories requires a stretch of the imagination.  My favorite story was the title story, and I've continued to think about it days later.  It's got a crazy dark charm that makes you wonder.....are there girls raised by wolves?  And will someone please bring this one to life in a movie that makes it seem as believable as the author writes it? 

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