Thursday, August 16, 2012


Antoine Gold and the Rolls Royce and other Bankruptcy Stories by Harold Taxel - This book of short stories was very enlightening for a number of reasons. It's written by a bankruptcy trustee who is assigned business bankruptcy cases by the U.S. Court. Essentially he owns the business while he figures out where the money went and which bills the business can pay. These cases are fictional but based on real cases experienced by this trustee. Here are some life lessons to learn from this book, which I already knew, but which many people never learn. First of all, when something looks like it is too good to be true, it probably is. If someone is working hard to convince you of something, it may very well be a lie. The harder the person tries to convince, the more dishonest they could be. Pay your bills, don't owe money. Don't buy what you cannot afford in cash right now. Don't tell anyone how much you have, because if they are a bad guy, they will try to get the money from you somehow. There you have it: my review of this silly little book of stories about scumbags is the herheartonhersleeve way to hang on to what you have, because it's more than you will have if you let it go. Pretty simple.

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