Wednesday, June 20, 2012


The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh - Here's one! I can't imagine what book will be able to top this for awhile. It's the story of Victoria, a girl who graduated out of the state foster care system in California. Chapter by chapter she tells us what's happening now, and what happened in the past, and how she learned to use the Victorian "language of flowers" to process and proceed through life. At the end of the book is an index of flowers and their meanings, and I wish I had known about it at the beginning of the book. I would read the guide before reading the story, and know that the guide is there if you need it. I can't do this book justice without giving more away. It's so delicious to go into a story unknowing, so that the story unfolds for you alone as you read it. Choose this one next.

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