Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Up For Renewal by Cathy Alter - The subtitle is "What Magazines Taught Me About Love, Sex, and Starting Over". This fun quick non-fiction is just the kind of chick lit in the Eat Pray Love genre that can be a lot of fun to read. Cathy decided to try living a year of her life based totally on magazine article columns. Let's face it...magazines love to help us out in all kinds of ways. She took the advice to heart and put it into place, and, although she was tired of magazines at the end of the year, I think it worked. Thanks, Susan!

Looks like I might have to subscribe to Real Simple for a year and take every bit of advice to heart myself. There is too much stuff around here, and not enough open serene space. Too many books, too many beads and bead supplies, too much fabri
c, and too many sewing supplies, too many pieces of paper representing things I want to do or remember, too much china and too many pretties, too much scrapbooking stuff, too many photos, and way to many library books. And that is just in the upstairs. In the basement we have too many frames, too many toys, too much saved stuff, too many Christmas lights, too many extra lamps, too many extra lamps that don't work, too much packing material, and too many of the wrong size packing boxes. In the computer are too many pictures and too many saved emails. Also too many iTunes. What to do? There are also too many organization books! OK, today's goal is to go through the library books on How to Make A Website. I have easy ones, quick guides, and html code complicated ones. I'd like to have a great little website. After all, it will be my Her Heart On Her Sleeve store. The only way to do this is to read the books and learn how. To me.
Speaking of Yummy Foods, I bought and tried the Cheddar variety (as opposed to the Mild Cheddar variety) of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese Snack Crackers. They're pretty good. If you can get here in the next couple of days, I'll share some with you. After that they'll be gone, and I can't be sure I'll buy them again.

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