Sunday, August 24, 2008


I'm still listening to Leonard Cohen. I love this music, although when I was home in Michigan, and listening to it with others in the room, it did reflect an extremely melancholy sound. Like very very slooooowwww. Still there is nothing like I'm Your Man for the most romantic song, Tower of Song for a song a about life, and Hallelujah for a song to make you think. So I read this darling little book called

HYDRA and the Bananas of Leonard Cohen by Roger Green who lives on Hydra, and whose home overlooks the garden of Leonard Cohen. Roger is the British Bard of Hydra, and wrote a poem, and then he started annotating and reflecting and expanding on his poem for a year and came up with this book. I think it's about bananas and people. It's sweet, but you wouldn't have to read it unless you were in an obsession.

and then there was

Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Leonard Cohen - This is a video made in 1964 by the Canadian National Film Board about their native son. He was 29 years old, and he reads his poetry, and they follow him around town, and generally create an early A&E style biography about Leonard. He's very likable.

It's gone so far that I've checked out a piano book of Leonard's music, and have been playing the songs, too. If I can get one to sound halfway decent, maybe I'll make a little blog recording of Chelsea Hotel. It's nice and slow and pretty easy to play.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Nine Powers to Transform Your Life - by Nicolas Nobile - This might be the only book you need if you've been thinking about reading Gary Zukov, Eckhart Tolle or any of the other wonderful authors who are teaching the ways toward a fulfilled and true and happy life. It condenses to the essence those important choices that one can make to live pure and well. I believe that the power is within each one of us, we just have to find it and use it. This book helps one to define the powers. There is something to read and quote on each of the pages of this inspiring book.

I Capture the Castle: This movie was recommended by my friend Susan while perusing the library shelves of movies that begin with the letter I. Surprisingly, there are a number of wonderful films beginning with I. But I digress. If you love Jane Austin, the Bronte sisters and other authors of that ilk, and if you love a quirky story that takes place in another time and in another country, here's one you'll love too. Cassandra, her sister Rose, and their family live on no money in a broken down drafty castle outside of London in the 1930s. There is seemingly no chance for a romance with a substantial young man until two Americans show up one day. Mmmm, this is a lovely story.

Garden Spells - by Sarah Addison Allen - Here's a fun summer read about two sisters and their life in Bascom, North Carolina. It's a magical rather old fashioned tale set in modern times. Everyone knows about everyone else in town, and the families have a history together that seems to repeat itself generation after generation. Just delightful. Take it to the beach and indulge.

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly - by Jean Dominique Bauby - I'd been wanting to read this one for ages, and there it was in front of me on a shelf in the library one day. I've always wondered about the meaning of the title, since this is an autobiography about a man with "locked in" syndrome. That mystery was cleared up very quickly, and there followed a true and poignant story, not unbearable to read, but not quickly forgotten. Maybe not ever forgotten. Yes, read this book.

Outlander - Diana Gabaldon - Recommended by my friend Sue, and unenthusiastically received by my friend Susan B when she saw me checking it out at the library, this is essentially a historical fiction romance. It's about a 1940s British post war bride named Claire who time travels to 1700s Scotland and finds adventure and another love. She's a practical sort who adapts quickly to her circumstances. I love the Gaelic dialect that the author employs to give personality and resonance to her characters. It's charming if this is your genre. I may not read the rest of the series. As much because I don't love a series in general unless it is on TV. And even then, I miss it, but don't have huge regrets about it when it wraps up. (Sopranos, John From Cincinnati, Seinfeld etc.) Something new always comes along that I like just as well.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


I'm Your Man: This film about Leonard Cohen and his music intersperses musicians and folksingers performing Leonard's music and talking about Leonard with interviews of the composer himself. He's charming, intelligent and honest. I'm still listening to the music all the time, and have a couple of books lined up to read after I finish one called Garden Spells which promises to be a sweet little read.

TV Shows: The Flipping Out finale was great last night. I love these people. Saving Grace is ramping it up this season. Holly Hunter is amazing and over the top and it all works. Mad Men is starting slowly....I hope it builds. Project Runway is pretty low key.There is some talent this season, but not like the last two seasons in terms of new and exciting looks. Stella is my favorite, so I hope she stays in the game for the duration. I love her.

Chicago Tribune: I read this paper cover to cover every day. I opened it up last Monday to find that they've decided to eliminate the daily TV Guide. What a pain!
In the meantime, the Sunday Guide is a full sized newspaper section that is user unfriendly. This is just insult to injury. I continue to read this paper because of the local news coverage and the comics. Lets talk about what they've done to decimate the comic section. Basically we still have Brenda Starr and Dick Tracy; I think because they are both written by local Chicagoans. Brenda Starr is actually written by a Tribune columnist. I fear that if Mary Schmitch ever leaves the Tribune, that will be the end of Brenda. The comics I miss are Gasoline Alley, Hi and Lois and Beetle Baily. Dear Abby was on the comic page for years, and she's gone now, too.

The weather is here this summer. It's been gorgeous outside. Sunny and warm for days on end. Time to go for a walk! Is the Love Heart Turning at the top of my blog distracting? For a long time it didn't turn, then my nephew came over and put something called VCS on my Mac, and the heart started turning. I love that graphic! I tried to make it smaller, but couldn't figure out how to do it without possibly losing the heart altogether. What a nice little blog about nothing today!