Wednesday, December 19, 2012


That's My Boy - If I had known this was going to be such a funny and good and sweet movie, I would have seen it at the theater.  Adam Sandler plays the dad, and he is at his best for goofy comedy with heart.  There wasn't a moment of drag in this sometimes raunchy looking movie (channeling the endless desert scene in Hangover, the endless airplane scene in Bridesmaids, and other endless pushed-too-far-we-already-got-the-laugh scenes in so many other movies).  It is like a good read - no wasted words or scenes.  And it's a great little story! 

Sad Desk Salad by Jessica Grose -  Sometimes you really want chocolate ice cream, and sometimes you see a chick-lit cover and it calls your name with it's smooth satiny texture and bright clear colorful modern graphics.  Both are uncomplicated ways to relax and zone out and feel good for a few minutes.  Such was the case.  Sad Desk Salad takes us through five days in the life of celebrity blogger Alex, who breaks a controversial big story and then has to live with the consequences.  It's easy to read and a good place to go when other parts of your life are busy and stressed (holidays anyone?). 

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Rock of Ages - For some reason I was under the impression that this was going to be a comedy, but it's actually a musical based on a Broadway play, and it's charming.  A small town girl comes to Hollywood to find fame and fortune, meets a city boy, and together they experience real life.  The music is 1980s rock and roll, the acting is great, and the surprise character actors make the show. 

Ruby Sparks - Ruby Sparks is intelligent, quirky and filled with this wonderful California light that gives the movie an etherial feel.  It's about a young writer and the unusual girl he's dating.  It's not your every day love story;  you've got to pay attention to the little things.  I loved it.